Saturday, 27 July 2013

Be a winner at Game- So Fresh

There is this one quack i know, who really has this Game 'Price Guarantee' thing figured out. Like my cousin Eddie always told me 'You will always look like a knob if you dont do your homework'. Cousin Eddie dropped later dropped out of school; he never really finished any of his homwork. So for all of you who arent familiar with the pink and white newspapers; heres the drift (quoted directly from Game's website). Because I can be a Ctrl-C Duck like that.

'Found it cheaper? We beat any price!

We will not be undersold! - If you've purchased any item from Game and, within 21 days, find the identical product at a competitor for less, tell us and we will refund MORE than the difference.
If you intend purchasing from Game and find the identical item at a competitor for less at the same time, tell us and we will BEAT that price.
• The Price Beat does not apply to new store openings, display or damaged stock.
• The competitor in question must be in-stock of that identical item.
• The competitor must be a legitimate South African retailer, then the price must include cost of delivery
• The price beat does not apply to foreign stores, including foreign online stores.'

They go on to say that the guarantee remains unchanged. Of course you cant take them a printout from a Gumtree ad from the Pakistani operating somewhere in Durban Central. It has to be a legit businessIf you do your homework really well, shop around, my Quack has told me that one can score a discount of about 10 per cent or more on your new purchase. Might be a few cents on that Cadbury Lunchbar, but if you are going for big purchases like say a flatscreen tv, this can equate to a saving of R1000-R2000. Enough moola call up your brahs watching the game on their small ass tube, with the bunny aerial that you have got to do the YMCA with,  and just randomly brag about your purchase and your savings. You always win at Game.


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